Story Hotline
Welcome to Story Hotline, a bi-weekly phone call between two friends on opposite sides of the world. Each week, Tina Victoria Afshar and Ella Mumby dive into a story and share it with our listeners. From far off history to stories of everyday people, there’s a bit of everything. Join our phone calls each week and follow us on Instagram @storyhotlinepodcast
Story Hotline
Mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle
Season 2
Episode 9
Bermuda, Bahama, come on pretty mama, oooo I wanna take you… well, not to the Bermuda Triangle because that’s where hundreds of people have vanished without a trace.
In this episode we’re delving headfirst into the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle… who, what, why and HOW has this 500,000 sqm space of sea cemented itself as one of the eeriest areas of our world?
Use the following timestamps if you want to jump ahead. But beware, who knows what’s in store when delving into the Triangle…
Timestamps —
Prelude: (8min53sec)
Chapter 1: The USS Cyclops, a Mystery or a Mutiny (10min20sec)
Chapter 2: The Disappearance of Flight 19 (15min16sec)
Chapter 3: A Survivor's Story (28min35sec)
Chapter 4: What's the Dealio? (39min35sec)