Story Hotline
Welcome to Story Hotline, a bi-weekly phone call between two friends on opposite sides of the world. Each week, Tina Victoria Afshar and Ella Mumby dive into a story and share it with our listeners. From far off history to stories of everyday people, there’s a bit of everything. Join our phone calls each week and follow us on Instagram @storyhotlinepodcast
Story Hotline
Fall of the Berlin Wall
Tina Victoria Afshar & Ella Mumby
Season 1
Episode 5
For 28 years the Berlin Wall separated East and West Germany. As suddenly as the wall went up overnight in 1961, the iron symbol of the Cold War came crumbling down in one evening almost three decades later.
But wait. WHY did it go up? And HOW did it come down? In this episode of Story Hotline, Ella and Tina discuss the events that led to the wall dividing families and friends on either side. And how a bureaucratic error brought this Soviet monument down.
Know any other interesting stories about the Berlin Wall? Send us a message on Instagram to let us know! That's also where you'll find the footage we mentioned in this episode. www.instagram.com/storyhotlinepodcast